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Yoga In-Person
Awareness and relaxation counterbalance our busy lives. Yoga is all about making you feel comfortable, learning to relax and finding a balance between strength and relaxation.
Bewustwording en ontspanning geven ons drukke bestaan het tegenwicht. Bij yoga gaat het erom dat jij je prettig voelt, leert te ontspannen en een balans te vinden tussen kracht en ontspanning.
Please note:
1. If you have a yoga mat yourself, please bring this along with you. Yoga mats are available, when you don't have one yourself.
2. Dress code: loose-fitting clothes and shoes.
This activity will be in English.
- Date:
- Monday, November 4, 2024
- Time:
- 12:30 - 13:15
- Time Zone:
- Central European Time (change)
- Location:
- HG-1A36 (Global Room)
- Campus:
- Hoofdgebouw: de Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam
- Audience:
- Student
- Categories:
- Wellbeing Week
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