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VU 3 Minute Thesis Competition Semifinal 1 In-Person
Join us on November 14th at the Library Lounge for the Semifinals of the first VU ‘Three Minute Thesis’ Competition!
The Three Minute Thesis competition challenges VU PhD cadidates to explain their research in an engaging and clear three minute talk intended for a non-specialist audience. During the semifinals, a strict selection of candidates will be made by the jury for the final event on December 12th.
During the first semifinal round, the following candidates will present their research:
- Sanne Groothuis, Graduate School of Social Sciences.
- Willemijn Born, Graduate School of Law.
- Fabienne Krywuczky, ABRI Graduate School of Business Research.
- Karlijn Kooijman, Graduate School of Behavioral and Movement Sciences.
- Joshua Nooij, Graduate School of Science.
- Jiayi Cheng, Graduate School of Behavioral and Movement Sciences.
- Hoan van Nguyen, ABRI Graduate School of Business Research.
This event is a cooperation between the Library Lounge and Open Science program of the University Library.
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